column table_owner new_value table_owner column table_name new_value table_name set termout off select table_owner, table_name from all_synonyms where owner = 'PUBLIC' and table_name = upper('&1') union all select table_owner, table_name from user_synonyms where table_name = upper('&1') union all select user, table_name from user_tables where table_name = upper('&1') / set termout on set pagesize 0 set feedback off select decode ( last_analyzed , null , ''||table_name || ' has not been analyzed!!!' , table_name || ' last analyzed ' || to_char(last_analyzed, 'DD-MON-YYYY') ) from dba_tables where owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' / select 'Partition ' || partition_name || ' of ' || table_name || ' not analyzed!' from dba_tab_partitions where table_owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' and last_analyzed is null / select decode ( last_analyzed , null , ''||index_name || ' has not been analyzed!!!' , index_name || ' last analyzed ' || to_char(last_analyzed, 'DD-MON-YYYY') ) from dba_indexes where table_owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' / select 'Partition ' || partition_name || ' of ' || index_name || ' not analyzed!' from dba_ind_partitions where (index_owner, index_name) in ( select owner, index_name from dba_indexes where table_owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name') and last_analyzed is null / prompt column boiler format a30 column val format a30 column num_distinct format a14 justify right column density format a14 column num_nulls format a18 set pages 50000 select column_name , nvl(to_char(num_distinct), '***') num_distinct , nvl(to_char(density,'FM9999.999999'), 'NOT') density , nvl(to_char(num_nulls), 'ANALYZED') num_nulls from dba_tab_columns where owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' / prompt set pages 0 select 'Table:' boiler, table_name val , '# Rows:' boiler, to_char(NUM_ROWS) val , '# Blocks:' boiler, to_char(BLOCKS) val , '# Empty Blocks:' boiler, to_char(EMPTY_BLOCKS) val , 'Ave Space:' boiler, to_char(AVG_SPACE) val , 'Chain Count:' boiler, to_char(CHAIN_CNT) val , 'Sample Size:' boiler, to_char(SAMPLE_SIZE) val from dba_tables where owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' and last_analyzed is not null / select 'Index:' boiler, index_name val , 'B-tree level:' boiler, to_char(blevel) val , 'Leaf Blocks:' boiler, to_char(leaf_blocks) val , 'Distinct Keys:' boiler, to_char(distinct_keys) val , 'Leaf blocks/key:' boiler, to_char(avg_leaf_blocks_per_key) val , 'Clustering Factor:' boiler, to_char(clustering_factor) val from dba_indexes where table_owner = '&table_owner' and table_name = '&table_name' and last_analyzed is not null / clear col clear break set pagesize 24 set feedback on